
Author name: Oxper

The Truth About the Effectiveness of B2B Marketing Strategies

Despite so many innovations in marketing, B2B marketing still happens to be one of the most laborious marketing practices of all. Traditionally, B2B marketing has relied on certain strategies that still work well with small and mid-market prospects.  When targeting marketing efforts toward enterprises (or high-ticket B2B clients), this strategy hits a wall. Now, they

The Truth About the Effectiveness of B2B Marketing Strategies Read More »

Common Denominator Among Successful People – Constant Learning

Historically, technological transformations created jobs! Remember the industrial revolution or the more recent IT revolution?? ….but this march of the world towards automation is different….automation is not just easing physical labour out…it’s actually “almost thinking” like what humans thought was irreplaceable…the brain!! Automation threatens 69 per cent jobs in India 2016 World Bank report “Digital

Common Denominator Among Successful People – Constant Learning Read More »

Are you targeting ankit(50) and ankita(25) with the same marketing message?

People have Different Needs , Motivations, Expectations and Key Purchase Drivers Personas are the Who in your targeting plan. The Who could be of many types and at different stages of the sales funnel or the target hierarchy: Ankit (50) : CEO of an automotive firm Ankita (25) : Middle manager at an ancillary unit

Are you targeting ankit(50) and ankita(25) with the same marketing message? Read More »

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